"Big Tony" from the adventure mecha action "Sakugan" is now available as an HG 1/72 model!¦ Reproduce the comical and stylish movement of Big Tony in a wide range of motion.¦ Reproduce the transformation gimmick to the vehicle mode similar to the one in the work with a recombination type.¦ The arm can reproduce the injection state by attaching anchor parts.¦ Manipulator and excavation drill can be changed by rearranging.¦ Tracks pursue a realistic feeling with particular details.¦ The eye shutter and light lid are reproduced by replacing parts.[Accessories]¦ Drill parts x 1¦ Anchor parts x 1¦ Eye shutter x 1¦ Light parts x 1¦ Lead wire x 2¦ Marking sticker x 1¦ Jewel sticker x 1